Friday, December 28, 2007


A new year is around the corner and I am all dreamy eyed. A new year is like a promise, a clean slate. For as long as I can remember, I have always carried this optimism and hope with me. Personally, 2007 has been a great year. I think God with all my heart for that. I made good, solid progress on all fronts. My brother got married in January and the trip home was really nice. Although we had to travel a lot, I have very fond memories from this trip.

In June I was able to take advantage of the respite offered by the USCIS and file for the final state of my GC. It would go a long way in giving me the freedom I need to grow professionally. It is strange how my perspective has changed in this regard. I am not sure how or when this happened, but I had come to seek and love a life that was scripted and had no surprises. So I lived the past few years of my life in a monotony that needed to be broken. 2007 was a start. I hope that 2008 will bring in more change.

Finally in November I applied for the MBA program. At the time when I decided I did not realize how life changing that decision would be. I started off by concentrating on the GMAT and it was only after started working on the personal essays that I realized how little thought I had given to my career, and my life in general.

The monotony in my professional experience became clear to me when I started working on my essays. I don't think of this as a drawback though. I was in phase where I needed the stability. Now that I have untangled all the webs I can move ahead.

A few dreams from 2007 remain unfulfilled.

1. I was not able to read as much I would liked.
2. I could not achieve the fitness goals I had set for myself.
3. My network of friends is still limited.

I will work on these in the new year. I wish all my near & dear ones joy, peace and fulfillment in 2008.

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