Monday, January 28, 2008

Update: Week 2

Weight: 192
BMI: 29.2
Number of gym sessions: 1
Number of miles run: 2

This week was really bad. I spent almost all my time searching for a home. It is a really good time to buy a house: the interest rates are so low and sellers are lowering prices, something that would have been hard to imagine a year back in the Bay Area.

However I think that we might not be ready to buy a house just yet. There are a number of reasons why. On Saturday we found out that we are expecting another child. It would be very stressful for Moni to commute from the new house to her college. Our current apartment is very conveniently located. Since it is close to work, I can always drive down and pick up Siddharth in case she is running late. The rent is not too high and we have plenty of space, although lately I have had the feeling that the walls are closing in.

Anyhow, now that I have sort of suspended the search for a house, I will get back to the gym and my weight loss campaign. The treadmill has arrived and I shall start using it this week. Also, I will visit the office gym this week.

My target weight for 02/11/2008 is 190lbs.

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